Durante todo el viaje pensaba en que podía hacer con Kim Bassinger sin que me mande a echar por la seguridad. Vi Nueve Semanas y Media varias veces, pero como introducir el tema?
De repente se me apareció la idea de que me diera de comer frutillas.
Como lo tomaría?
Creo que por su cara con sorpresa, algo de miedo y un poquito de asco, pero sobre todo, con muchísimo sentido del humor. Todo en un marco de promoción de una película tristísima llamada I Dreamed of Africa.
kim basinger is a milf
really cool, funny interview…
bay-singer! bay-singer! not bass-inger.
[..YouTube..] bay-singer! bay-singer! not bass-inger.
but I forgive you 🙂
[..YouTube..] but I forgive you 🙂
[..YouTube..] but I forgive you 🙂
[..YouTube..] but I forgive you 🙂
[..YouTube..] but I forgive you :)
[..YouTube..] but I forgive you 🙂
[..YouTube..] but I forgive you 🙂
funny about the town for 100 bucks. Remember Braselton, GA for 20 mil?
[..YouTube..] funny about the town for 100 bucks. Remember Braselton, GA for 20 mil?
[..YouTube..] funny about the town for 100 bucks. Remember Braselton, GA for 20 mil?
[..YouTube..] funny about the town for 100 bucks. Remember Braselton, GA for 20 mil?
[..YouTube..] funny about the town for 100 bucks. Remember Braselton, GA for 20 mil?
[..YouTube..] funny about the town for 100 bucks. Remember Braselton, GA for 20 mil?
[..YouTube..] funny about the town for 100 bucks. Remember Braselton, GA for 20 mil?
Proof she can still turn a fag straight.
[..YouTube..] Proof she can still turn a fag straight.
[..YouTube..] Proof she can still turn a fag straight.
[..YouTube..] Proof she can still turn a fag straight.
[..YouTube..] Proof she can still turn a fag straight.
[..YouTube..] Proof she can still turn a fag straight.
[..YouTube..] Proof she can still turn a fag straight.
[..YouTube..] Proof she can still turn a fag straight.
omg shes so hot!
[..YouTube..] omg shes so hot!
[..YouTube..] omg shes so hot!
[..YouTube..] omg shes so hot!
[..YouTube..] omg shes so hot!
love her work and she as well
[..YouTube..] love her work and she as well
[..YouTube..] love her work and she as well
[..YouTube..] love her work and she as well
[..YouTube..] love her work and she as well
[..YouTube..] love her work and she as well
[..YouTube..] love her work and she as well
She was so sweet! He’s funny.
[..YouTube..] She was so sweet! He’s funny.
[..YouTube..] She was so sweet! He’s funny.
[..YouTube..] She was so sweet! He’s funny.
[..YouTube..] She was so sweet! He’s funny.
[..YouTube..] She was so sweet! He’s funny.
Kim, please feed strawberries to me. I Love ya Kim, you are the best. Yummy Kim yummy
[..YouTube..] Kim, please feed strawberries to me. I Love ya Kim, you are the best. Yummy Kim yummy
[..YouTube..] Kim, please feed strawberries to me. I Love ya Kim, you are the best. Yummy Kim yummy
[..YouTube..] Kim, please feed strawberries to me. I Love ya Kim, you are the best. Yummy Kim yummy
[..YouTube..] Kim, please feed strawberries to me. I Love ya Kim, you are the best. Yummy Kim yummy
[..YouTube..] Kim, please feed strawberries to me. I Love ya Kim, you are the best. Yummy Kim yummy