Grandes recuerdos de esta nota. Me interesaba conocer a Drew que ademas de haber estado en ET (y que conste que intenté arreglar la injusticia histórica de que ella no haya tocado el dedo salvador) ahora es una interesante productora cinematográfica. Ademas Cameron Diaz me parecía EL prototipo de nueva estrella de Hollywood.
La peli no me pareció nada del otro mundo, pero estaba linda, entrevisté a su director (algún día tengo que contar sobre las notas que uno hace a la fuerza sabiendo que nunca saldrán al aire).
Era raro esto de hacer la nota con las tres a la vez y en tan solo 7 minutos.
Creo que salió bastante divertida, me quedo con la simpatía de las 3, y la cara de Lucy Liu cuando le hago la sorpresa a Drew.
[..YouTube..] che fierita, tenes muy buena onda entrevistando y contestando comentarios. Crei que te la ibas a creer mas… no mucha gente famosa hace estas cosas… El chiste del autografo es copy right? pq te lo vi hacer en cada una de tus entrevistas jeje!!
Un abrazo!!
hohoho cool
[..YouTube..] hohoho cool
[..YouTube..] hohoho cool
[..YouTube..] hohoho cool
i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
[..YouTube..] i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
[..YouTube..] i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
[..YouTube..] i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
[..YouTube..] i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
[..YouTube..] i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
[..YouTube..] i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
[..YouTube..] i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
[..YouTube..] i have this movie.. its awesome!!! i love it i just found it in the bottom of my closet like a week ago lol
What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
[..YouTube..] What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
[..YouTube..] What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
[..YouTube..] What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
[..YouTube..] What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
[..YouTube..] What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
[..YouTube..] What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
[..YouTube..] What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
[..YouTube..] What did he do to her finger? I never really understood that.
A Drew la mato! No puede estar tan buena! Siempre me acuerdo de su papel de profe sexy en Donnie Darko! Las otras dos no son de mi total admiración. Buenisima la nota, encontraste el punto justo entre lo serio y lo graciso! Saludo!
Drew es muy linda,Cameron también…
Qué suerte viajar a Estados Unidos.
Muy Buena Entrevista
My favorite movie !!!
[..YouTube..] My favorite movie !!!
[..YouTube..] My favorite movie !!!
[..YouTube..] My favorite movie !!!
[..YouTube..] My favorite movie !!!
[..YouTube..] My favorite movie !!!
You can tell that they love each other- In both a friendly way, and a sexual way. I wonder if they are “fuck buddies”? What do you think?
[..YouTube..] You can tell that they love each other- In both a friendly way, and a sexual way. I wonder if they are “fuck buddies”? What do you think?
[..YouTube..] You can tell that they love each other- In both a friendly way, and a sexual way. I wonder if they are “fuck buddies”? What do you think?
[..YouTube..] You can tell that they love each other- In both a friendly way, and a sexual way. I wonder if they are “fuck buddies”? What do you think?
[..YouTube..] You can tell that they love each other- In both a friendly way, and a sexual way. I wonder if they are “fuck buddies”? What do you think?
[..YouTube..] You can tell that they love each other- In both a friendly way, and a sexual way. I wonder if they are “fuck buddies”? What do you think?
[..YouTube..] You can tell that they love each other- In both a friendly way, and a sexual way. I wonder if they are “fuck buddies”? What do you think?
[..YouTube..] You can tell that they love each other- In both a friendly way, and a sexual way. I wonder if they are “fuck buddies”? What do you think?
Jajajajja, me encanta el chiste del autografo, sos un genio fierita!
jaja drew barrymore estaba onfire con vos fierita ajajajaja
que piola la entrevista!!!!!
por dios tenes que volver a hacerlas!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] jaja drew barrymore estaba onfire con vos fierita ajajajaja
que piola la entrevista!!!!!
por dios tenes que volver a hacerlas!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] jaja drew barrymore estaba onfire con vos fierita ajajajaja
que piola la entrevista!!!!!
por dios tenes que volver a hacerlas!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] jaja drew barrymore estaba onfire con vos fierita ajajajaja
que piola la entrevista!!!!!
por dios tenes que volver a hacerlas!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] jaja drew barrymore estaba onfire con vos fierita ajajajaja
que piola la entrevista!!!!!
por dios tenes que volver a hacerlas!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] jaja drew barrymore estaba onfire con vos fierita ajajajaja
que piola la entrevista!!!!!
por dios tenes que volver a hacerlas!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] jaja drew barrymore estaba onfire con vos fierita ajajajaja
que piola la entrevista!!!!!
por dios tenes que volver a hacerlas!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] jaja drew barrymore estaba onfire con vos fierita ajajajaja
que piola la entrevista!!!!!
por dios tenes que volver a hacerlas!!!!!!!!!!!
esta buenisima la nota!!! nunca la habia visto!!!!
[..YouTube..] esta buenisima la nota!!! nunca la habia visto!!!!